Monday, July 18, 2011

Well Im giving up on life and will you help me?

Well I have been attempting to troll the entire "friendship is magic" fandom and clearly I'm getting nowhere, it's like they grow stronger in numbers and successfully thwart every trolling attempt against them and almost every one us aren't successful. I'm starting to give up because it seems like they can't get trolled.

Super glue strong enough to attach coffee maker water pump tubing?

I was given an Mellita One:One coffee maker and I noticed when inter running it through a cycle it would leak all the water through the bottom. So I opened it up and noticed that one part of waterpump tubing is not attached so I attempted to use super glue to reattach it. So do you think it will hold during use?

Theft in Indiana - Class-D felony question?

I made a really stupid mistake in attempting to shoplift some video games from my local Wal-mart, and I spent most of the night in jail before I was released on bond. I'm eighteen years old, and it was around two games that were around $80 together. My courtdate is coming up next month and I was wondering what is most likely going to happen. They said that it was a Class-D felony, which is the apparently the lowest class in Indiana. I am incredibly sorry for what I did. I am going to plead guilty because I accept responsibility and I know what I did was wrong, but I just wanted to know what this is going to lead to, or what the most likely punishment is going to be.

Can you loosen the clutch to make it easier to chage on a honda 50 brand new?

No, the resistance in the lever is what it takes to operate the clutch. However, it sounds like you are using the clutch when you shift, like you would in a car. Motorcycles are made to "speed-shift" - just shift and leave the clutch alone until you come to a stop.

Tips on sneaking off/sneaking out without parents finding out?

Plan a route. Find the squeaky floorboards and/or door hinges. Look out the window at night and find the areas with deepest shadows. Plot the route you'll take to get out of the house. Once you're out, get a good distance away - anywhere from three houses to a block, depending on how quiet your street is - and get your pickup. Make sure that people don't talk about you sneaking out or your being at a party, especially not online. No guarantees that that'll work, though.

TV show ideas? (long bus ride to school)?

Gilmore girls, one tree hill, 90210. the OC, make it or brake it, pretty little liars, gossip girl, bones, csi. if ur a guy sry for my more girly answers.

Help with an injured animal?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

A question for the ages?

Trainer joey from pokemon red yellow and blue likes to wear shorts because they're comfy and easy to wear.

How can I ruin a bullies life?

I know its evil, but I want to know all kinds of ways I can pull pranks and jokes on a bully. This kid down the street is trying do bother me. I've already loosened the bolts on his bike so when he rides it it will collapse(he left it sitting in his front yard). I also snuck into his backyard and took his underwear off his clothesline and soaked in meat juice, he has a Rottweiler, so we'll see how that goes. I know it sounds horrible, but I have a broken arm right now because of him. I want revenge on him.

Help! English Spanish translator?

Wow what a sad sad story. So bad that only a few people understand what you understand that immigrants don't come here to steal nothing from noone but to work and give their family a better life. And yes thats why every victim prefer stay quiet because noone do anything and like that lady she was fired for been a victim.

My dog was attacked by a bull mastiff tonight and literally his leg was ripped off..?

The neighbor's mastiff charges the fence, so the neighbor put a brick down but tonight it pulled down a piece of fence, grabbed my dog's leg and tried to pull it through. My dogs leg was mangled and the vet will have to amputate. I called the police and have filed a report, but I'm wondering if there's any hope to get at the very least the vet bills taken care of, which will total around $2,000. I'd like to have the dog removed from the house, considering I have a 5 year old and he charges the fence and obviously can rip it down, but from what I understand the first attack is usually a warning. What gets me is they have this huge dog run kennel in the back yard with a top, so they must know he's dangerous, yet it wasn't in there. What should I do at this point that I haven't already?

How do I flirt without being awkward?

Ask questions about the other person, don't talk about yourself. The person will totally be into you. True story. Happened to me like 80 times

How can i ruin a bullies life?

I know its evil, but I want to know all kinds of ways I can pull pranks and jokes on a bully. This kid down the street is trying do bother me. I've already loosened the bolts on his bike so when he rides it it will collapse(he left it sitting in his front yard). I also snuck into his backyard and took his underwear off his clothesline and soaked in meat juice, he has a Rottweiler, so we'll see how that goes. I know it sounds horrible, but I have a broken arm right now because of him. I want revenge on him, so give me some ideas.

Is this a good poem or not .?

i really liked it!! it is mysterious and makes me wonder. it flows very good excpet for one tiny thing-using the word ground in both lines 8 and 9. make replace the second one with soil, dirt, grass, etc? i love the poem though. maybe u could get it published!

How will a bank error effect my credit rating (UK)?

It should be a simple fix if they just typed in the wrong address when checking your credit, just have them type in the right address to get you and viola, you are approved!

HELP! Is it Phimosis? My foreskin won't retract, is it a problem?

I've just turned 15 and I also haven't retracted my foreskin but not to worry, try stretching exercises like pulling back your foreskin for about 30 seconds and make sure you don't feel pain. Or if you can, place your index fingers inside your foreskin and stretch. I went with the first option and within a month, it is on the very edge of retracting fully. Hope this helps! Good Luck!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind chronology question.?

Alright. So i get that the movie is extremely out of order, and ive managed to get my head around the order of most of the events of the movie :meet at beach party, relationship, brake-up, clem gets her mind erased, joel gets his mind erased, meet a second time after joel runs away from work (beginning of the movie), he brings her home where the tape is discovered (end of the movie). The only problem i am having is this: When they first meet at the beach party, Joel pokes fun at clem by singing the "Oh my darling clementine..." song. Later along the timeline the two are talking on the train as new acquaintances. Clem tells Joel not to make fun of her name and specifically references the same song. Joel, however, says that he has never heard this song. Could it be that his knowledge of this song was erased with the rest of his memories? It almost seems that on the train Clem remembered Joel and the say that they had at the beach and is attempting to jog his memory in hopes that he remembers her as well. Also, when they first meet at the beach party, Joel says that she was quite comfortable around him, as if they were already lovers. It seems that all these events suggest that they knew one another even before the beach party. Does anybody have an explanation?

What is better? Miss Jessie's or Deva Curl?

Hi, I have black hair with kinky curls that I'm really hoping to hydrate really well and loosen up the curls so that my hair looks better. I'm caught between these two lines and was wondering if anyone knows which produces the better results. Any idea?

Do you think E.T's would help us out if......?

I think that even in our darkest hour, aliens would stay away as we would prove to be even a greater threat to aliens than we were before...

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How much useless crap do you really own?

i got a sony mini-disc player in 2004 and i thought it was soooo cool. it's the size of a microwave and the music quality is very poor, but in 2004, let me tell ya, it was the cats t1ts.

What is a good type of store bought brand wet food for a mid-older kitty with a partially broken tooth?

He is a neutered male brown tabby whom we rescued from an abandonment situation and now adopted. When we first rescued him he was a little imiciated with mangled claws and a tooth that is partially broken off. The vet said he is between 6-8 years old. We currently feed him Whiskas seafood sensations but are going to switch him to a wet food because he has a little hard time chewing because of that tooth. He is going to get it totally removed. I'm the one who always feeds him so i kinda watch him when he eats, and alot of the time he drops pieces of food into his water bowl. Which is why i want to switch him to a wet food, but what is the best kind? Help is greatly appreciated! Thank you!

Why are my heat shields on my 04 Honda Accord loose and vibrating?

So, I had all of my brake pads, rotors, and calipers replaced at Firestone. About a week ago this horrible rattling was coming from my front axle. I assumed they forgot to tighten something, so I brought it back in. They said it wasn't their fault, but to fix it, it would be $600, because of all the labor to get to the part! They said the screws were loose, so the plates were vibrating. They said it wouldn't damage anything if I drove it like that. It is soooooooooooo irritating though. Something needs to be done. It happens at 1.5-2.5rpm's. I just have to accelerate faster or let of the gas. I think the sound is getting worse too. Anywho, could the mechanics have loosened this part on purpose so I would come back, or is it just coincidence that it happened a week after I brought it in? Also, is there any way to tell? Oh, and is it really a $600 job?

My mother doesn't trust me?

okay so I have over-protective parents, I'm not allowed to date and stuff okay I dont care about that, recently I've been talking to this guy and we became very very close friends, we actually became best friends and ever since, she started giving me nasty looks and telling me that I'm immature and things like that and he's the closest friend I have and I never want to lose him just because mom doesn't like him she didn't even meet him and she's so judgemental, help any suggestions on what to do how to let her loosen up a bit, she doesn't like when I have best guy friends, so..please help.

Gauged ear infection?

I've been slowly gauging my ears for 6 years (because sometimes i would forget i even had them in and would stop going bigger) i wanted to get to 1 1/2" and i had just gotten them to 15/16 and all of a sudden the lobe around the plug got ginormous and hurt alot. the skin in the back started growing over the plug so i soaked it with warm salt water to loosen then skin and when i got it off the plug just popped out and showed that the inner rim of the lobe was basically rotting after two days of having it in. when i had put it in it didn't bleed or anything so i don't know why it got so infected. i was wondering because i had to take it out will it grow completely closed? the two sides of the lobe kind of scabbed together and there's no way to take it apart and i have to see a surgeon but i don't want to lose all that progress

Can an consignment store make you pay for a dress that the zipper broke while trying it on?

I tried on a dress and the zipper broke. I was honest and told the manager and she told me that I must pay for it. I refused to pay for it. Who knows who tried it on before and loosened the threads on the zipper? Can they legally make me pay for it?

Question about chiropractic care..?

Okay, so my question is.. maybe I should wait to see an orthopedist before this. But, I've had a horrible past experience with a chiropractor which really further damaged my back. He tried fixing my uneven hips only to make them worse than they were before.. But he also didn't really do any physical examinations, x-rays, or anything of that sort. I'd come in, pay $35 co-pay, he'd see me for all of 5 minutes.. crack my back and my neck and send me off for a follow up the following week. Now my spine is twisted slightly due to my uneven hips and it causes me quite a deal of pain/muscular imbalances are noticeable to me. Would it be wise to seek out possibly a chiropractor who will go through all the necessary precautions, x-rays. weekly consultations, etc.. Or should I just back off the idea and just leave my back mangled the way it is? Not sure if anyone has had a horrible experience with one chiro to have a good one with another. I suppose I'm a bit desperate. I'm in pain, I'm depressed, and wish I had a time machine so that I really never saw the first one to begin with. Need some advice.. Thanks.

Why should I be nice to anyone?

The way you treat people has a lot to do with the way they treat you. So obiously people haven't treated you well, so you don't treat them well, which makes them not treat you well back. The cycle has to stop somewhere

My leopard geckos toes are gone!?

I recently purchased a leopard gecko. I don't know anything about it cause the person who sold it to me said she got it from a reptile show who didn't know anything about it ether. I think its quite old cause it moves rather slow and is more rinkily than my other gecko. When I bought her I knew something was wrong cause she had a very unique and pretty pattern that iv never seen before but she was only 20 dollars. I inspected her before I got her and she didn't seem sick. She also had a kinda skinny tail but I was sure I could fix that with some butterworms and waxworms. anyway I looked at her toes today and the tips were missing on alot of them! She only has a few good nails let. The others were all bent and mangled so I clipped them(very carefully) on one foot she has only 1 nail! I feel sorry for her as she cant climb well and is slow. All the toes with missing nail have healed up so I see no need to take her to a vet. She has been eating very well to. Today she ate about 6 butterworms and 10 black soldier fly larvae. The other did not eat. Will the nails ever grow back? Or is she doomed to have no nails for the rest of her life? When I picked her up to take a look at her toes I had to hold her a certain way and sometimes she would make a very soft chirp kinda noise. Like a small squeak. Is that normal?

Am I legally protected to fire at someone trespassing on my property?

I live in Arizona and if I am correct, I have the right to protect my property with any means necessary within my household against an intruder...Yes? However, I am uncertain about the laws surrounding shots fired at burglers outside my home but ON my land (ie,. attempts to enter through a window or doorway). Recently I have experienced TWO attempts at breaking into my home within the past month (It is secured by an alarm system)... I have since purchased a firearm for additional protection. What should I know about the laws in Arizona regarding this matter?? Thanks for any help you can provide!

I had a really weird dream, can anybody help me make sense of it?

Last night I had a dream and it's been really bothering me today. At the start, all I could see was my older brother's car, mangled in a ditch. (he's 18, I'm 16, almost 17 and we're very close. We work together and spend almost all our free time together, he's my best friend.) then it's the next day at school and I can see all of our friends crying and talking about us. The whole school is upset, and I'm just watching it all. I can't talk to anybody, whenever I try and say anything to anybody it's like they don't hear me. It's just been bugging me so much. Can anybody help me with making sense of it?

How dangerous is loratadine to dogs?

My 45 lbs. dog found a 10 mg loratadine pill still in a blister pack that someone dropped in our apartment parking lot. I managed to get it away from her before she swallowed it. However, she managed to chew through to the pill and it looks like a tiny part of the pill is missing (it could also have been crushed. She managed to mangle the package so it's hard to tell if anything is actually missing). The internet searches I did are giving me conflicting information. So far, an hour later, she's acting normal. First time pet mom is just worried.

How should an 18-year-old get away from parents' control?

The parents don't trust you or her. Once they do, you can get away with anything. So earn their trust. Perhaps going on a date with the parents along so you can get to know everyone.

I have a loonie coin stuck in my bathroom sink! help?

Actually this is a pretty simple fix, Just cut that straight piece coming out of the wall in the middle and then after loosening the nut it will all come out. You can either just use a coupling to reattach the pipe where you cut it, you may have to shorten it just a bit, due to the fact that the coupling will not let the pipe go in far enough to butt up against the other end. Or you can go to the local plumbing supply house and show them what you have and let them fix you up with all new slip joints and a new p trap.

Ear hurts really bad, is this serious?

I'm gonna tell you that unless you're willing to risk becoming deaf, you should go to the doctor. Ear pain could mean a lot of other stuff that shouldn't be ignored, and it sounds infected.

Can he loose feelings for me after 2 months?

So there is a guy who likes me and we have known each other for 2 or 3 months. Anyway when the next school year begins I want it to be the same as this one.I don't want him to be just another person to hang out with cause he might loose interest in me by not seeing me in 2 months. We might talk once in a while and maybe see eachother once. He won't be seeing a lot of people though and there is only 1 or 2 people I am concerned of taking my place. I just want to know will his big crush on me loosen?He said nothing will happen between us and by a couple weeks he will be desperate to see me.

Is this a good poem????????????????

its really good. you do know not all poems have to rhyme. i think it might be more powerful if u used words that make more sense rather than shoving in words just because they rhyme. the rhyming is a strong method that makes the poem flow, but it is not necessary in every line. but, it is still a very good, strong poem.

K98 feed ramp is tearing up bullets.?

The K98 was designed to shoot FMJs and thus the feed ramp only had to be good enough to do that. A Smith can rectify your ramp issue or you can switch to FMJs to shoot with.

Is this the new liberal strategy: ask questions (see details) that are so mangled that they can't be answered?

It's vague but anyone with knowledge of current events should be able to piece it together. It's definitely a coherent statement, which is more than I get from a lot of Conservatives here.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

Aww, I wish they put the cuffs on looser. In fact, they should have just ditched arresting you and have partied with you. You're only 15-16, why does it matter if you kill as many people in car crashes as you've posted this question, aka 1290381209342304895345908 times? Even if you did it on purpose it wouldn't matter, you wouldn't get the death penalty (:

Al Qaeda the Pawns of the CIA or is it the other way round ?

After two weeks of imperialist attack, Libya is being mangled by al Qaeda terrorists, civil war, NATO air raids, cruise missiles, Predator drones, and C-130 gunships – all made possible by the CIA-backed al Qaeda rebels of Cyrenaica. US, British, French, and Dutch commandos have taken leadership of the rebel forces, and are arming them with modern weapons in flagrant violation of the arms embargo specified in UN Security Council resolution 1973. Al Qaeda is also stealing heavy weapons on its own, as the president of Chad has reported. The singing tomorrows of the fatuous US-UK color revolution rhetoric have dissolved, exposing the hideous reality of a brutal, cynical, imperialist drive to destroy the modern nation-state itself.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

I'm really worried what should I do?

A few months ago my stepfather passed away from a massive heart-attack. His heart had swelled up and there were three blood clots. We think this could've happen from taking to much muscle relaxers. He took them because he would get a lot of tension headaches and he thought by taking those it would maybe loosen up the muscle would go away. But there was this warning on the bottle that said something along the lines that it could cause heart problems and my mom told him that they aren't good for the heart. But he ignored it. Well last summer around my birthday in August my biological father had died. Also from a heart attack. He had a bad heart. He had multiple open heart surgery's. He was also a diabetic. He didn't take good care of himself. He would eat a lot of sugary foods. He was a recovering alcoholic too. So that wasn't really good on his heart. Well like a month after my step dad died I would get these pains in both of my arms on and off. And I know one of the signs of a heart attack is I think right arm starts with pain. Or it could be left I don't remember. So I would start to freak out and think 'Am I gonna have a heart attack? Am I gonna die.' And just to add I'm not a hypochondriac. I started to act like one though. I know how they act my friend is a big hypochondriac. But before the deaths I had no problem with death. I wasn't afraid to die like some people. But now I am... I've dealt with deaths before these 2. So it's not my first time handling it. I've been scared lately that I'm gonna die of a heart attack. I don't know why. Is it part of the grieving process or something? Could someone give me some suggestions? Thank you. By the way if it helps I'm 16, soon to be 17.

Good rock songs to cheer you up?

This dog at my grandparents house that i've been going fishing with had to be shot today because it got in some kind of beaver traps or something and was mangled. I got attached to it and feel bad now. So i need some good cheering up rock. Suggestions?

Why is the entertainment industry promoting immoral and basically evil views?

Now when I say immoral i don't mean religiously immoral but just basic inhumane acts in entertainment. It's in everything! murder and mangled bodies in music videos (Kanye West-Monster), Cartoon characters and video games (Disney's Epic Mickey video game is suppose to bring out the darkside of Mickey Mouse), etc. Its turning into the norm and i feel like it definently can't help the world positvely because its so basically evil. Alot of music videos now might as well be soft porn. I know the world is not perfect but media can be anything we want it to be, Why does it have to be evil? And they always come out and say its "art", that may be true, but the media molds minds and if the media is pushing inhumane evil just imagine the future. What are your thoughts? Do you think the mainstream media is GOOD or EVIL?

Gibson les paul headstock repair?

my dad cracked it a few years ago and i want to fix it how much will it cost? i loosened the strings so it wouldn't have strain on it... it's not completely cracked off but still you can't play it. is there a way to fix it with like gorillia glue or wood glue or something with out it losing it's like originality or something (my mom said it would or something?) please help? i'm only going to be making maybe 100+ dollars this summer so it MUST be cheap enough but maybe my sis can lend me some of her summer money...

What does it mean on USPS tracking when it says arrival at unit and sorting complete twice?

It says for the first arrival at unit and sorting complete right after those it says "notice left", now it says the same first two on my tracking page, does this mean they are attempting to re-deliver or did it not even get here yet?

What is the title of the movie?

what is the title of the movie which is based on a true story of a woman, which I remember that she acts like a prostitute and she kills all the men who attempts to rape her and I think the story kinda involves around her hunting down rapists.

Vivid hallucinations am I okay?

This sounds more like an inability to turn off your imagination than it does true hallucinations. Learn to turn it off.

Does it bother you spirtiually, to see TV ads soliciting money for saving animals instead of people?

The world contains many sentient creatures all of whom are entitled to a decent life. Where people choose to spend their money and time is their choice . I don't see that a world in which all suffering animals were killed would be a better one .

What exercises will benefit my riding?

I know circling feet is good but what else can i do at home to become a better rider?? Also what exercise can i do to loosen the muscles in my leg so i can mount a horse from the ground??

My friends say it would turn them off..but it doesn't bother me?

Don't let things bother you because you think they are supposed to. If everyone did that then no one would ever be able to accomplish anything. If it doesn't bother you then that is great!

Jailbroken iPhone: problems with Cydia and Blackra1n uninstallation. Please help?

I have attempted jailbreaking my iPhone, Blackra1n appeared to work correctly. I went on to it and installed Cydia and the app icon was then present. But when I ran Cydia, it never got past the "Loading Data" screen. I looked in various places online for help and so I eventually ended up uninstalling Blackra1n. But the Cydia app is still there. And when I tried to re-jailbreak, the Blackra1n app did not show up on my phone, but Cydia is still there. Please help? THANKS

East Los Angeles assessment test?

If we are planning to show up to class the first day in attempt to add with the instructors approval,which I was told to do, do we still have to take the assessment test? The assessment test requires a student ID, but the summer application is already closed.

The police put the cuffs on toooo tight?

Wow Mark...or is it Kayleigh? That's a shame. You not only ask this frequently, but have a sex change in the process...

How to Use my Left Hand more Freely When Playing the Piano?

Several ways! I've been playing piano since fourth grade, and now I'm going into high school. One thing you can do is pretend your wrist is glued to the piano (the edge part that's under where the keys are) and play like your fingers are little hammers. Also, just make sure it's all relaxed, and that you aren't using your arm muscles to play, you're using your finger muscles. You can also put your wrists high above where your fingers are playing, so you have to really hammer down and partially straighten your finger to hit the key. Just focus where the energy is going. Um..what else..You can do scales! A technique for doing scales is 1) put your hand on the key BEFORE you actually play it; always be prepared. And plan your fingering! And 2) do the notes two at a time. Like play C, assuming you'd be doing C scales, with your 5th finger and then D with your fourth (doing everything I said before at the same time, like the wrist thing, and preparing) and then D w. your fourth finger and E with your 3rd, and so on. So pretty much 2nds. GOODNESS I HOPE THIS HELPS! Good luck. :)

How would a funeral home handle this?

What is done in the case if the deceased has been decapitated, missing limbs, completely mangled etc? Is there a way to fix the body in order to give an open casket at a visitation/funeral or would it be grounds for mandatory cremation or something like that? I know this is a strange and dark question but its always been one of those things I've been curious about and its something I've never had the nerve to ask because lets face it, this isn't exactly a pleasant topic and it can be unsettling to people. I've heard so many different stories about how this situation is handled so I'm just curious to know.

How to send art prints in the mail safely? Do not bend stickers help?

If you are really concerned, you will need to pack them properly and pay the extra shipping. Otherwise, you will be taking a chance that they will be bent. It's really out of your control whether a large envelope will be bent or not, regardless of "Do Not Bend" stickers.


My gf and I have been planning on marriage for a long time. She and I have now committed but I want to back out. The reason is I don't know how I can cope with the fact that she sucked some guys dick before. This bothers me because she lied to me. She told me that she was a virgin and that she was my one and only and that she was saving herself for me. When I engaged in foreplay with her, I felt it was loose. And then I brought up the issue. That is when she told me that she was abused by three guys and that one of them made her give him a b j, the other made fingered her, and the other made her play with his penis. I don't think it was abuse because she never told the cops anything. Then she told me that she was still a virgin that no guys penis ever went into her, but told me that she had tried to fit fingers in there and play with her self and perhaps thats why she has a mangled up vagina. She made the comment that when I fingered her and put in two fingers she has never felt so much pain, but wow I don't know what to believe. She also said that thats the only thing she managed to save, and that she would go to the doctor to get it checked out and prove to me she is virgin. So now I don't know what to do anymore.

Black fluid dripping of the right exhaust of my 1999 Mustang GT 4.6L V8?

One of the by-products of a gasoline engine is water, which usually goes out thru the tail pipe as steam & isn't seen. Possible the 'stuff' that's leaking is just normal water from the engine picking-up soot from the inside of the exhaust pipes. Normally it would go out the exhaust as steam, but the leak is just giving it a different way out.

Nut will not loosen on my bicycle?

I have a Paris Sport road bike from the 70's that I recently acquired. The seat needs adjusted, but for the life of me I cannot get the bolt to loosen to raise/lower the seat. Every time I turn it with a 1/2 size wrench, it takes the nut and the bolt in the same direction. Is there any ways I can just get the nut off so that I can adjust the height of my seat? Thank you!

How to dispute a hospital due to a coding mistake?

This is very simple but a pain in the butt. Have an attorney write them a letter. He will know exactly what to tell them. It can be fixed.

What is going on with my Hermit Crabs? Help!!!?

I woke up this morning and decided to give my hermits some water etc when to my horror I discovered that one of my guys (the smaller of the two) was dead :( I picked its shell up and and saw that he/she was hanging all the way out of the shell and he/she seemed pretty mangled. I examined him/her closer and then realized there was a little baby one behind him in his shell! So was my little hermit killed by some little baby invader? Now there is a bigger hermit crab in there and these two would sometime fight. I doubt that the bigger hermit impregnated the smaller ones shell so as to have the smaller one be eaten out of its shell. I am super confused. I guess the silver lining is that I have a brand new baby hermit crab in place of the one that was tore from this cruel world so callously. please someone...Help me understand this phenomenon

My dog is constantly coughing..?

He licks himself and the carpet, jack russel, so he sheds. eating the hair could accumulate a hairball but we've given him meds to try to loosen it, all it did was make him throw up. He hacks about three times and then gags. nothing comes out though. help!

Okay white people............... seriously?

YES completely agree i refuse to get over or believe that racism still doesn't live in the hearts of many whites americans when 50 years ago it sure as hell did. plus racist views are easily passed down and taught so many could be racist on the down low...

I still hang out with my ex and I'm in love with her. What should i do?

She is just using you which means she has no regard for you at all. Until you totally cut her out of your life you will never be able to move on or have a satisfying relationship or life with anyone. Wise up, open your eyes and quit wasting your life away.

Do you like this story?

For an eleven year old it shows a lot of promise, and I would suggest that you now refine it, and write a suitable ending.

How do I help an injured frog?

It looks like it has one hand almost competely missing and very mangled, it somehow found its way to my garden even though I dont have pond. I have made a makeshift small pond for him out of a paella pan with rocks and plant pots and it is in amoungst the veggies for safety. He seems happy enough but not moving much.. how do you know if it is in pain from losing a hand? will it heal or should we put him out of his misery? If I was alone and had lost my hand I would probably want to die!!!!!

What do you think happened to the victorians who went missing at Hanging Rock?

it is not a true story. the author wrote it as if it was, and left instructions for the last chapeter to be released after her death, which was 1987 or something. she indicated the girls met a supernatural death.

How can I stop attempts at masturbation?

Dont make fun of me please, I'm 19, and a little while back I made a desicion to stop masturbating, and for some reason I'm tempted and its making me worry, is this normal? please dont make fun, I'm tired of doing this :( and what should I do to stop the temptations?

Gamestop ripped me off?

If theres any type of customer service number you can call id say do that. even if the customer service line is for a different type of problem do it anyways. Let them know what happened and tell them you never got your code and that your upset and blah blah blah. It should end up being resolved rather quickly.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Why is the handwheel on my Husqvarna Classica 90 so hard to turn?

The machine sews and the tension is set for the loosest setting, and the thread is not too tight. I have cleaned under the dog and foot. Am afraid it is going to burn the engine out. Is there some way to loosen off the handwheel or ease the tension there? Thanks.

How much B6 for nausea?

I started taking a B6 supplement once or twice a day I believe and drinking fruit drinks and such enhanced with B6, however I had hyperemesis and it didn't help me in the slightest. I had to take the prescription to stop losing weight from being sick so much. I didn't gain till mid second trimester.

Will my dog be okay? Did the vet do it incorrectly?

It takes time for the sack that covers the testicles to shrink. It would be a very good idea to have a vet Look at him! Something doesn't sound right about this whole thing,,,also take all documentation that you have with your the vet can see it!

If I cut the grass in flip flops...?

My feet could potentially get mangled, right? but wouldn't the exact same thing happen if I wore shoes. I was just going to wear running shoes, and they wouldn't do **** t save my toes. What's the big deal with wearing flops to cut the grass? I know **** will be shooting out of the bottom at my feet but I go hard in the paint so I can handle that.

How can I get a buzz without drinking alcohol?

I want to loosen up and relax more around women and in general. So how can I do that without having to drink? Like I would want to go out but relax and I can’t drink any alcohol to relax me because that is an unhealthy way to relax. Any other suggestions to get a buzz or any healthy drinks and food to eat that will get me relaxed and feeling good without having to drink beer or liquor? Therefore, I can be sober at the same time.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

I think that is ok. Sometimes a policemans worst nightmare is dealing with a drunk and they don't know what they are going to do.

What is the best gel product?

I want to buy a gel but i don't know the best product which will not harden my hair but keep it soft and will not lose my hair because i heard that the gel loosen the hair, i don't care if it's expensive, thanks.

How can I get over being so shy around him?

Hey Abby. I know exactly how you feel.. I had this guy I liked and whenever I saw him I got so nervous I would shake, I got so frustrated with myself because I really wanted to talk to him and hang out with him, it took a while, but one day I just decided to suck it all up and go for it.. I still felt super nervous but I just took a deep breath and reminded myself that is was going to be okay and no one knows how you feel inside if you just try to keep relaxed on the outside.. Also, another trick I try is to pretend the other person is blind so they can't see me, lol... Hope this helps!! Good luck. =)

Anyone think area 51 will eventually release documents?

Its known that they attempted to be top secret but the word got out did anyone hear about the ufo sightings in needles a few years back within 10-15 min on something "fallen" by the river (colorado) agents in helicopters and vans surrounded the area removing an silver object i think it was like 5 helicopters and 7 vans headed toward nevada (vegas)

Can anybody advise me website for math short tricks?

I am preparing for banking exams .So to clear the exam it should be compulsory to attempt 50 objective ques in 10 minutes

What do you think of this story idea?

No offense, but there is no plot. If you focused the whole story on her getting injured, and then her climax is her recovery, then its good. But if that is the only bad thing that happens, then dont write it. And, teasing is not going to cut it for everyhting she has already been through. Focus on one thing or another. You have to undestand when to stop writing a story, otherwise it gets boring.

How can you make thick hair wavy?

If you are natural then, you can just braid your hair while it's wet and has leave in conditioner in it. Then, sit under a hooded dryer for about 30 minutes. Your hair should turn out like this a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My friend and I had the same dream last night is it normal?

We have always wanted to be brother and sister. We were walking through the woods and then we came across my girlfriend's dead and mangled body. We kept walking and saw six dead dogs and ten dead bodies and then we came to a man who said he had killed my girlfriend. In my sleep I yelled out "YOU SON OF A *****!" then the man stabbed us both and took us to a dark room. in my sleep i kept yelling out bad names and things like that and at the same time our moms woke us up... we live in different houses.

Rate my poem 1-10 and explain why?

I'll give a 7 charitably. It was telling and gruesome. I had two family members die in tower # 1 that day, which is I guess a reason I'm answering. There areas of it that need to be edited, such as three words running together and perhaps that's true in other segments. The rhyme scheme can be cleaned up and the stanza structure could be more consistent.

Please help, braces and a loose tooth!?

Ok so mybRETARD sister elbowed me in the chin and i just got my braces this morning, and they were hurting before and now they are like on fire! And my bottom Janine tooth is like loose because i bit down so hard :( i know braces loosen the roots to move the teeth, so my tooth won't fall out right? Is this even due to the elbowing or is ot normal for them to be wiggly the first day. Thanks

I think i have a separated rib?

ok, last year i was a tad drunk, and had the stupid idea to attempt a back flip off a trampoline, as you can guess i failed badly, i landed with my back on the metal edge of the trampoline and the fell off again onto a ceramic plant pot,. i went to the doctor he said it's most definitively a broken rib, but apparently he couldn't do much because my rib cage needs to move in order to breath, he assured me it will heal in around 2 months if i take it easy. a year later it still aches, it pops when i bend to the side and my girlfriend says there is a definite difference between both sides. so what i'm wondering is, is it possible to separate a rib from the spine and if so what will fix it? also if it's impossible to separate a rib from the spine what else could it be? cheers

How To Make Curly Hair Straight Without Using A Straighter?

I probably have the utmost unruly curly hair ever. It's natural. I have ringlets. But the underside of my hair is more straight then on top,(I know because it's weighed down.). But my curly hair sprang up on me about 3 years ago. I NEVER wanted the hair I have now. And many of my friends and family tell me that not a lot of people have naturally curly hair like I do. I know that. But my MAIN question is; Is there ways to make or train my hair to be straight again? My hair is SO damaged because I brush it a lot after I shower, use gel constantly to help it from "frizzing", and died it twice recently(with in 4 months). I feel like I am SO out of options of trying to control my mangled mess. Please help! It would be VERY appreciated! :D

Crash Proof Passenger Aircraft?

Is it possible to create a crash proof airliner? I have not heard of any such attempts yet but is it possible even hypothetically? Like attaching a separate passenger pod inside the plane that is made of crash proof and fire proof materials? Or any other related innovation?

How do I put a tampon in? ?

I talked to my mom about it, and she explained pretty well. But I am still confused about it! Please help. I know it's a kinda gross topic. Ok, so I attempted putting one in (I am currently on my period, i have to go to a water park in 2 days!!) and I know kinda where to put it in. It's right b4 the butthole(lol). It just doesn't seem like a hole! I can't really bring myself to put it in. I tried putting it in using a mirror and I was sitting. There is a little "bump" like thing in the middle of the hole area or where I'm supposed to put it in, so do I put it in infront of that or behind that? (any other tips or info would help)

Whats wrong with her?

The obvious assumption is that the bit did the damage. but until you have her examined by your vet, you don't know that. There are other possible or even probable causes for bleeding of mouth tissues, and some involve exposure to toxins, or dental infections or other issues. only a direct exam by a vet will give you the diagnosis, so that is what is needed. in the meantime, watch what sheis eating and how she is handling her feed, and be sure she has plenty of cool, fresh water to drink 24/7.

Is anyone else having issues signing into PSN?

playstation is screwing us again, i cant get on the fresh new awesome looking uncharted 3 beta because playstation want to be gay

Im 16 and was raped and now im pregnant?

about a month ago i was walking back to work from my lunch break and was grabbed and carried somewere close and they guy raped me , he was behind me the whole time so i didnt see his face. after what felt like hours i remembered that i had pepper spray in my bag so i reached in and sprayed him, once he loosened his grip i just ran i didnt even look back. i went back to work as if nothing happened. i dont know why i didnt tell anyone , probably because i thought no one would believe me since i didnt see what he looked like and someone would of seen me but i guess i was also kind of embarassed. anyway a couple of weeks went by and what i should of thaught about the day it happened popped into my mind..i was late, i should of had my period like a week and a half before. so i went to cvs and bought 3 pregnancy tests and they all turned out positive, i was in shock and and abit of denial, i had my whole future planned out and i was faced in a situation that no one should have to go through, but i stayed calm crying and getting angry wouldnt help i just sat there for like an hour in shock. now im 6 weeks pregnant and ive been thinking about keeping the baby, abortion is out of the question, ive always been against it and i dont think id be strong enough to go through with an adoption. i talk to my baby every night, haha i tell him/her that even though they werent made out of love ill love them like any mother would and more, ill be their mom and dad. im homeschooled so ill always be home with the baby and by the end of the year i will have more than 20,000 in my savings. i really need another persons opinions though, what are your thoughts? be honest.

Was Thomas Jefferson right?

The guy was a genius. We need to get back to being the America he helped create instead of a liberal cess pool.

Should I write my book in first or third person (yes, that one again)?

Personally, I think that first person would suit this better, as you've only got one main character. It would add more mystery as well, as the reader would only know what your main character knows. I'm not an expert writer so I can't give you any more help than that, I'm afraid. I just think that first person would fit better.

After wisdom teeth surgery, when can I....?

i had all 4 of mine out at once, and i was able to sleep flat again after about a week. the tension and pressure goes down after in a little while, so wait maybe like a couple more days and you can be able to sleep flat. mine were impacted too, i didn't do any mouth exercises, but i just moved my jaw around in a little once the swelling went away.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Politics: Why do liberals hate tobacco so much?

When are they going to start putting pictures of people mangled in car wrecks and damaged livers on bottles of alcohol?

How can I loosen up my foreskin?

Google foreskin stretching exercises. With gradual, non-painful, stretching you can loosen it up on your own without any surgery with a few months. It's just skin like any other place on the body, and can stretch to accommodate just about anything.

Crushed testicle? help! what should i do?

hello there. so lately ive been more aware of my testicles. so one of my testicle, the one on the left, seems to be kind of broken. one thing is that it's hanging further down than the one on the right said, with this beeing said, i find i quite normal. but the thing is not that its bigger or smaller, or hanging further down, it's that my left testicle is kind of divided. i can feel the almost complete testicle on the left side, but once i go a little further up on the left testicle, i kind of see small lumps or don't know what as if those were loosened off from my one testicle. its like crushed. nothing has happened, havent fallen off my bike or something, its just like kind of divided in smaller peaces, yet i have one complete testicle. i can still manage to ejaculate and my semen seems normal but im abit afraid of those lumps hanging.

Osama Picture Question?

CNN is reporting that the clearest death picture of Osama Bin Laden "is so gruesome and mangled" that authorities believe it is not appropriate for the public. But the truth is that Hollywood movies show much worse every single day. What possible justification could there possibly be for not showing us all the video and all the pictures that they say that they have?

Loose Tooth HELP! What Should I do?

I got a basketball hit on my lower jaw, making one of my teeth slightly loose. I don't see it move when I try to move it, its connected to my other teeth through braces. The loosening seems from the gums. Should I just leave it and let if fix by itself? Considering that it is minimal loosening?

I really need advice...?

there is this girl and i really wanna try for her and we no eachother but im to afraid to even attempt to tlk to her often and ask for her number.. i feel like she is out of my league and i dont know waht to do please help

Did I do the right thing?

Yes, I do think you did the right thing, and by the way, Thank you so much, for having the good heart to have taken her into the vet in the first place, I would have done the same and being that she was in pain, what you did, was the best that you could have done, again Thank you, from another animal lover.

How can i help my boyfriend,it's getting me down :(?

Do not be too worried. Be there for him and time will heal. This obviously was something new to him and as time goes on, he is bound to watch videos or even see things just as bad. He will sort of get used to it. Hopefully.

How to euthanize your fish?

I have 6 black neon tetras who I found the other day had Ick. I immediately put the treatment in and began treating them for ich and it now appears that they are getting worse. Before there were 2-3 white spots now they have +10 spots they are swimming around and appear very stressed. I would like to know how to euthanize my fish if they don't get better. I can't do anything physical as I dont want to see their mangled bodies. I would like to take them out in the most humane way as possible

How to deal with a strict father?

Alright so i want to start going after this pastors daughter. She likes me. but its just he is really strict with her. i mean i can understand he doesn't want his little princess to get hurt. but how can i talk to him and help him loosen up a bit and be able to trust me and just give me a chance?? i need help!

What does "pet-form of Catherine" mean in the etymology explanation of kitty?

Pet form of catherine means that the word "kitty" is a nickname for the name "Catherine"

Will Steam Remove Waterproof Mascara?

I was questioning using waterproof mascara but heard how hard it is to take off. Will steam from the shower or pore/facial steamer loosen the mascara? Thanks~

Why should I be nice to anyone?

Please you need help everyone does in some point of life turn your self to jesus I promise you everything that your life will change

Squidgy white vaginal discharge?

has anyone had a discharge that looks like mangled waxy paper.It was white in colour and mixed with old blood and came out at the end of my period.The doctor says it would have been mucus but it definitely wasn't like that.

How can I get my ex to stop harassing me when I can't use a restraining order?

I have been divorced for over a year and my ex still flip flops between trying to get me back and being harassing. He contacts (or attempts to contact) my boyfriends, texts me all the time (at least 10 times per day). We have two kids we share custody of 50/50 so there HAS to be some communication, but this is really insane~! He says he needs to "inform my boyfriend" of what a piece of **** I am. I know I can change my cell # , but there are times I have to use it regarding our kids... I am at a loss... any suggestions?

What did my friend mean when she said this?

well i have a problem with cutting and self harm and my friend noticed my arm and said "holy ****, you look like you were in a saw trap... your arm is all mangled" idk what that means?

Spiritually speaking, how many fundamentalist Christians actually read the answers that atheists give them?

Well, I'll say zero, but there are some Christians who take an Atheist answer serious enough. I think they believe that we would all of sudden see things their way without them even bother to think how we think and feel about the constant same old same old crap.

Please help me am i crazy?can you tell me whats going on?

okay so this is going to be very long but please help me out if u have the time to read this? when i was 1 things were bad with my family mom says my dad was violent and evil n stuff and they divorced and my mom tried to take us away but in the end court ordered my dad custody of me my brother and sister who were 6 and 8 and i was 2 . well i kind of had a normal life id ontremember much but my step mom was mean slapped us in the face and cursed and stuff my dad wasnt really there from what ic an remember i remember he wuld buy me toys. when i got older he kind of became my hero idk why he wasnt around but he never hit me or cursed he bought me things and took me to cool places.and i always slacked off in school he never made me go and nevermade me do things. i had a suicide attempt at 16 and i dont even know why i did it i just dont want to exist ever since i wa sa little child i never wanted to exist. things got bad at 14 my step mom left and the house was moldy and discusting falling apart dishes broken furniture everywhere. i finally moved at 16 after suicide attempt dad bought a house in the ghetoo and the house was real small and kinda ghetoo but at least the carpet was new and it wasnt moldy. i liked it at first.well my dad decided he needed a new girlfriend. she smoked pot. my dad thought it was for medical purposes but she was heavy smoked it every day hotboxing her room and she even shared it with me i spent alot of my timegetting high and hating life hung out with bad friends and making out with boys letting them do whatever to me except sex because i dont know why but i have a very hard time looking at my vagina even at the doctors i cant let them touch it and open it it bothers me i just cant do it i cant even put a tamponn in i have to use pads my mom said my dad sexually abused me and thats why i am like this but i dontthink he culd do such a thing. hes never touched me down there that i can remember or even looked. its just he does lose controll sometimes and curse now and push me down but then again so can i can be very violent throw things and cuss so badly i have anger issues and the problem with me is i finally had a chance to move back with my mom i mean i do like it i have a room a bathroo i have that at my dads house too but it doesnt feel like my home i ask if i can have food or use the bathroom like a guest. i have to volunteer at a school and im trying to get thru high school now im 17 and im trying to get my high school diploma but i have no credits at all but now im feeling so sick and tired of life i want to give up again i just dont have the will to try to live and do things i need to do. i just dont want to think or do anything but sleep all day and all night. i cant think right and i have been on depression medication for long time i just got off like a few months ago i dont want to go bak they only made me fat and moremiserable. ive gone as far as not eating for days and eatting alot becuz i got so desperate and not eating and now im back there imt rying to lose weight but i just cant eat im so upset and i dont know why im always angry i dont want to exist and i dont want to do anything

Is this true in regards to a suicide attempt?

I was hospitalized after an attempt. The doctors inside said that I was much more likely to try it again since I had already tried once. My therapist said that it wasn't true, and telling a patient that is implying they won't get better. If a person was attempted suicide, are the more likely to do it again( even with treatment)?

I have a mininotebook and accidentally spilled water on the keyboard?

A spilled beverage -- especially those containing sugar or of naturally high ... lightning, spilled coffee in the keyboard, accidentally dropped notebooks .... I have put it on it's side to let the water drain out now. ...

Are all doctors lazy? or do some actually care about their patients?

most Doc nowdays are in for money and are **** and Doc who actually enjoy helping people are somewhere in Africa :(

Is it wrong to discredit people for citing scientific research?

As you may or may not know, there have been many scientific studies done in an attempt to answer the eternal anthropological question; "Is there such a thing as a superior race?" I won't go into detail regarding various findings (which are all similar) but is it wrong to demonize prominent members of society for merely quoting, questioning, or supporting some, if not all these studies, merely because they are racially based?

Do you think it's a sin for people to intentionally bungle English?

I watched Madea's Happy Family yesterday and she was mangling English. Have you seen any of her plays or all her movies? She always says stuff like, "Hellar" instead of "Hello." "Good afternoot" instead of "Good afternoon" and then while teaching children manners, she also tells them to say it in bad English especially when I have a strong feeling they had perfect English the whole time before they met her. I mean, what if I went into Japan and greeted people with "Konnichiwat" instead of "Konnichiwa?" Wouldn't they be like "gege" or "nani" or whatever the word for what is whether it's ge or ke? She does it every time and in the play there was an educated woman and I don't remember what she said but Madea got her to butcher English and then called it proper English. What does the bible say about this? Does it say anything and how can you tell if someone is intentionally butchering English or a language similar like it, German, or is just mispronouncing a few things but is trying hard regardless? How can you tell the difference? I said b�de instead of b�se because I knew dark in German was b� something but I couldn't remember whether the sound was a zuh or a duh. I was only one letter off and I didn't choose to make the mistake on purpose. I just wanted to talk German again for a limited time.

Okay, I have this crazy, incredibly funny, ideal...?

Okay, picture getting a sized, spiked chain that would ease down someone's throat, and tear it up as it went back up, yet not so much that they died. Then, a hole was carefully placed in the back of their neck, and a fishing line (and hook) was strung through it, attached to the uvula (that little flap in your mouth), and it was ripped out the back of the neck, the ensuing vomit burring their mangles esophagus. Now, look that apparition in the eye. Anyone else feel giddy?

I just wrote this, any Suggestions/Comments, etc.?

I like the last part " Love, such an awful, belonging thing." but it could always be put in another way...... Love is what your afraid but I'm still here waiting for you to stay.

What should I do about my filter being too strong?

I don't really want to get another one but i will if i must. and i mean MUST. only option. so anyway, my filter is reasonably quiet but when it takes the water back out is CASCADES and it pushes any fish around that gets to close. So a soulution was i slightly loosened the intake tube that takes in the water and that lessenede the waterfall but it made a noise like when its drizzling outside and you're in a tent.. is this ok for me to do?

Parakeet bitten by maybe a cat, can I put Neosporin on wound?

Cage knocked over outside. Got to bird right away. Feathers are mangled. Not much blood. How should I treat it. Too late to go to a vet.

What makes sweeping your membranes work? (If it does). ?

I'm not sure how it works, but it didn't work for me. I had it done twice, but still had to be induced. Good luck to you!

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

I think you felt discomfort for 45 minutes. It's hardly the end of the world, now is it? Take a lesson from the handcuffs and get a grip.

Why are my baby bullfrogs showing up out of the pond dead?

I have a pond in my backyard (12 to 14 hundred gallons) with about 30 gold fish and a school of minnows. I also have water lilies and several other water plants with a bio filter, huge waterfall, and 3 UV lights. Last summer, I got a ton (75-100) tadpoles and they are now growing up to adult form. In the last week, I have found 6 in my yard and they are dead. I don't think birds are getting them because when I find them, they are not mangled or detached, they are whole. I have not used any kind of fertilizers on the grass or any other chemicals. I do have a lot of algae growing and am trying to get my pond water to clear up but I don't want to use any chemicals to do so. I am at a loss and hate to see them die. Any suggestions?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Are there any episodes of naruto when sasuke laughs happily?

i watched the entire series and honestly, I don't ever recall him ever laughing(not crazily) or being happy.

Urinating after using monistat 3?

It's just your urine irritating your already-irritated vulva from the yeast infection. You did the right thing. Clean it up and replace the anti-itch cream that comes in the package. You should only feel uncomfortable for a couple days.


My gf and I have been planning on marriage for a long time. She and I have now committed but I want to back out. The reason is I don't know how I can cope with the fact that she sucked some guys dick before. This bothers me because she lied to me. She told me that she was a virgin and that she was my one and only and that she was saving herself for me. When I engaged in foreplay with her, I felt it was loose. And then I brought up the issue. That is when she told me that she was abused by three guys and that one of them made her give him a b j, the other made fingered her, and the other made her play with his penis. I don't think it was abuse because she never told the cops anything. Then she told me that she was still a virgin that no guys penis ever went into her, but told me that she had tried to fit fingers in there and play with her self and perhaps thats why she has a mangled up vagina. She made the comment that when I fingered her and put in two fingers she has never felt so much pain, but wow I don't know what to believe. She also said that thats the only thing she managed to save, and that she would go to the doctor to get it checked out and prove to me she is virgin. So now I don't know what to do anymore.

I have a '05 nissan sentra 1.8 s and am trying to change the 2 belts 1 is the serpentine belt?? PLZ HELP!?

my boyfriend hs already got off the long belt that is in the front..but in 2nd belt wont loosen..he loosend the adjusment bolt by the power steering thing but the belt still wont budge at there a 2nd adjustment bolt somewhere that we are missing? please help we have been working on it for almost 2 hours.

How to get the skin off an orange? NOT the hard outer covering, the white part of each orange slice?

How about you slap that picky *** friend of yours and say you will eat it the way it is because I'm not doing all that extra work! Then call him a dirty commy and slap him again.

Is it possible for a 17 year old girl to die from sleep deprivation?

All my life I have had trouble sleeping. I let my recent bout with insomnia go too far and now I don't think I will ever be the same. My scalp has loosened and my hair is falling out in drastic amounts. I get sharp pains all over my body and am stiff like a 90 year old woman. I have been sleeping full nights for 60 days but nothing seems to be healing right or getting better. I have gone to the doctor and my blood work is normal. I got an MRI of my esophagus and the results showed that I have one. I still doubt that it is in perfect working condition though because when I burp it feels really abnormal. Go to sleep! seriously. It can mess with your health and could even kill you. I think I may die. I'm terrified. I have no sexual feeling whatsoever. I wish I could go back a year and start over. But I can't.

Why am i not able to make friends and everything I try to do goes wrong?

I am 23. I graduated in college last year, but I'm not working with the area I graduated in and my wage barely covers up all my expenses. I live with my parents and they don't accept the fact I'm gay, though they do respect me, but I can't share my feelings with 'em, they just pretend I'm straight. I'm not able to find a single friend and everyone that I can call "friend" doesn't invite me to go out and don't even remember I exist and if I ask 'em if I can go out with 'em they will just say they are not going out that day, even if they are. I don't seem to find a bf either, all my attempts to find someone fail and I'm always alone and always feeling incomplete, as though there was a big wound inside of my chest, one that's not healing. Everything I do ends up bad and I always end up hurting people, even if I don't mean to. I contemplate suicide because nothing seems to get better, on the contrary, it just gets worse and worse. What should I do?

What are my chances of winning against my roomate in small claims?

Its not worth the further Hassle to yourself ,Put it to the back of your mind and Believe me you had a lucky escape ,and put it down to experience you sue her and she will offer one dollar per week forget them awful people ,

Am I possibly interested in a 35 year old virgin?

I just recently met a guy on an internet dating site that I hit it off with really well. He's very handsome and has a wonderful sense of humor. I noticed right off that he is extremely self-conscience, but internet dating is awkward anyway. I went out on a few dates with him and his inability to loosen up had not changed. He never tried to kiss me at all; he would just simply give me a hug and hugging him was like hugging a fresh corpse just after rigor had set in. The situation only peaked my interest until he sent me an e-mail telling me that he thought we should be friends that he wasn't feeling a "spark". Well, I figured that explained everything and I didn't expect to hear back from him; but, I was wrong. He invited me to his house for dinner, made a rather nice spread, and topped it off with my favorite wine. So, I thought I guess he really just wants to be "friends". Since then, we've been hanging out quite a bit and I find that I am blowing off dates just to hang out with him. In fact, neither one of us is actively searching for anyone else. He's a very devout Catholic and my thoughts were that he may be taking the "no sex before marrige" thing to heart. I'm still very much attracted to him, but I don't want to keep this up if I'm only going to end up hurt. Any suggestions?

Fell out with a friend and now not sure if we should make up?

i think if u became friends again...the friendship wouldnt be like how it was before because he wouldnt trust you...

I see dogs everywhere?

Tell them to your therapist and a psychiatrist. This is not normal, and could be a mental illness. I would think it is a mental illness. You might need medication and therapy to stop them. Good luck! :)

Does the "Sandwich Method" actually work?

You know the Sandwich Method for breaking your arm? Does it actually work? Obviously I'm not stupid enough to actually try it that is why I am asking. If it does work, does it mangle your arm? Thanks.

How can I get over being so shy?

I used to be a super shy guy, just think like this, in the nickleback song, 'if today was your last day, and tomorrow was to late', you can't live your whole life being shy all the time. So I thought f this! And came out of my shell. I bet you feel comfortable with this dude so just relax and be yourself it's that simple, really :)

Harry Potter question: Why did purebloods like Bellatrix and Lucius follow a halfblood like Voldemort?

voldemort probably didn't tell his death eaters that he's a half blood. they probably think he's the purest pure-blood around...

Could someone please Critique my writing?

This is good, it could be longer though. Does the rest of your book provide sufficient information and length for this to be a fitting end?


Does anybody out there know what causes any and all analog VCRs, VHS and Betamax, top loaders and front loaders to eat and mangle the tapes they're built to play and record onto and what are the best troubleshooting guides for fixing them and keeping these machines in tip top condition at all times and what are the best ways, if any for repairing ALL damaged analog videocassettes in that bad a shape. Of course I realize that audio and videotapes are now obsolete in this age of DVD and Blu Ray Discs, however I also enjoy ALL sources and formats of entertainment recreation and I also would like to know if cleaning the heads of any and/or all domestic analog VCRs can be done by applying Finger Nail Polish Remover with a cotton swab as this works tremendously well when I use this method for cleaning the heads of my analog Reel to Reel Tape Recorder. I would feel very honored if anyone in the know would PLEASE answer all these questions ASAP. Thank You.

$5 for this riddle if you can get it?

you are walking through a field where you come across a mangled body and beside that body there is a bag and in that bag there is something that could of saved that persons life what is in the bag

How to make test tube macaroni?

I mean those they sell at fairs. It is a tes tube filled with colored gel and have macaroni letter inserted into them one by one by using a skewer. I have seen people done it but a friend told me her attempt at it was a total flop. The macaroni rotted. I would like to make my own (DIY! Yeah!) but can someone tell me what type of gel should I use and whether the macaroni ought to be treated to prevent them rotting. Thank you in advance!

Why do i always think like this?

No offense to the first answer, but this is not OCD nor Asperger's. This (to me) just sounds like a personality trait. I am very much like you. I even type IMs and emails in formal language sometimes. Though I am OCD, it is not these traits that defines that. OCD is a completely different diagnosis and disorder. It has nothing to do with formal speaking and thinking patterns. You also seem a little left brain-oriented. Left-brained individuals are more formal, logical, and "academic" than right-brained individuals. Hope this helped.

Is he into me or just being nice?

I think he is into you!! But I can completely understand why you would want to walk away from all that, in case he is straight. But really what if he ends up straight? Are you gonna stay mean to him? You could be passing up maybe not a good boyfriend, but a potential friend. Be nice, and if he is straight you can say that you did not fall too deep with him, and move on.

Circles under my eyes from goggles, getting rid of them?

I am 14, a swimmer, and I have circles under my eyes were my goggles are. I want to know how to get rid of them. Each time I swim my goggles always leave red marks that go away after a few hours, but I cannot loosen them becuase water will get into my eyes and I DO NOT want to stop swimming! so are there any creams i can use becuase, as i said, i am 14 and I really dont want to look old or tired and I'm iafraid i have done permanet damage

What is the line between a dog's temperament and a dog that hasn't been trained or should be put down?

yes its rampant that people have a disney-like view of what a dog is and far far too little experence to know that such dogs do not exist.

My horse is very inflexible and stiff?

my horse has a very stiff neck and when i try to stretch him he can barely touch his shoulder let alone my toe. is there any supplements i can give him to loosen him up? or really anything to loosen his neck up. like when i circle he looks like a plank of wood making a circle: he doesn't turn his nose in and just looks awkward. any help?

I planted regular impatiens in a place which is mostly shady, but I'm not getting any flowers. What's wrong?

They get enough water, but they're not producing any blooms. The leaves look a little pale to me. I bought them from an individual who had them in a flat-type tray. I thought that they might be root-bound, so when I planted them, I loosened up the roots. Still no improvement. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Bible 80% bizarrely graphic and gory history text, 15% songs and acid trips, and 5% fortune-telling?

Its not the way my acid trips were, mine were wonderful, maybe they had bad trips, people who function from fear instead of love, who cannot overcome their fears, have bad trips. I would say they were on something, mushrooms, maybe...they were easier to get, we needed Timothy Leary for the good stuff, lol. Anyway, they are writings collected from the Abrahmaic lineage, those descended from Adam and Eve, people were coming up everywhere, I sincerely hope they were not my ancestors, lol.

How can i loosen my muscles?

i had volleyball camp yesterday and woke up this morning hardly able to arm muscles hurt but not too badly.....but my quads (leg muscles) hurt really badly i can't walk down the stairs it hurts to go from standing to sitting and sitting to standing..... is there any way i can loosen them up so that they don't hurt so badly?

How to loosen up an ear piercing?

Ok what I did when I pierced my ear was that I left the needle in for a while and slowly twisted it with my fingers so the hole would get looser. It kind of hurts but yeah. Or u can do that with the earing too. Good luck.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Plugged in computer it made a popping sound, smelled like smoke, then would not turn on again, what happened?

Okay, so I will try to keep the back story on this short, although it's been long and painstaking. I had an older desktop that was built for me by this computer company in 2003. Although it was old it ran well. About a year ago it caught a nasty virus. I shipped it to the company (lifetime warranty) to be fixed. They fixed it however they packaged it improperly and the machine was mangled in shipping. Yes it was insured, UPS will not pay because of improper packing. So after many battles they agree to send us a comparable machine. It was not. It was slow and it crashed all the time. It sucked for lack of more eloquent terms. So after threatening the company with small claims court they sent me yet another "comparable' computer. So I unplugged the old computer which was powering up just fine connected to a power strip on an electrical outlet that is perfectly functioning and updated blah blah you get the point. I plug in the computer i.e. the most recent piece of junk they sent me (sorry I am so bitter) to the power source only. Not other hardware like monitors or keyboards or anything. I turned on the power switch and pop, pop, burning smell and then dead. Whoa! What happened? I plugged the old computer back in it turned on and is working fine, well as find as it was anyway. Someone please explain to me what went wrong.

I ordered a pair of Ugg boots on line they came from china,& they r def not the boot i ordered on-line...?

there is only 1 kind of "kensington" Ugg boot,& these r not them,i am totally dissappointed & would like my refund of $148! my boots were shipped through ems the order # is EE387347474CN,my tel # is(401) 419-0846! i live in the United States 626 smithfield rd (bldg705) North Prov,R.I.02904,my email is am gonna ship these boots back 2 where they came from & would definately like a full refund,seeing as these r totally not the boots i wanted & thought i had,not 2 mention,the box they came in was all dented & mangled! thank u,Deeanna Allen

Will my goldfish's damaged tail ever heal?

I bought a fantail goldfish when it was very little, and its tail got damaged a bit when it was being transported. I've had it for over 4 months now, and its tail is still damaged.. is it ever going to get better? The fish doesn't seem to mind it at all, and it swims fine-- just one side of the lower tail is mangled a bit. Thanks in advance.

Car rear ended. What to expect to be replaced?

wheel rim, new tire, repair or replace damaged panel and repaint to match plus your list. mounting points for rear control arm, struts etc.

I broke my toes and it hurts so bad, help!?

I was at the gym and a big guy was doing military press with dumbbells that were over 100 pounds each and i walked by and he dropped them and one landed on my toes and broke them. The guy asked if i was okay i said i was fine because i didn't want to seem like a wimp. So when i finally got home i took off my shoe and my big toe to my middle toe are completely mangled. and my middle toe is cut open on the bottom. I don't have insurance and don't have hardly any money so i don't want to go to the hospital. help!!

The Greek protests: what are the citizens attempting to make the government do?

They are trying to keep the govt from doing that. All they care about is maintaining the status quo.

Does he like me as more then a friend?

I believe you guys are on the friend level still...he was being friendly by commenting on your photos and asking about you. But other then that, I doubt he's interested. If a guy is truly interested in you, he'll say it, and he'll go out of his way to show you that he's truly interested.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on too tight :(?

Not a silly answer. You deserved everythong you got. Don-t complain Years ago you would have got a good thumping as well to make sure you understood the problems of being drunk.

Dawn To Dusk?(thoughts on my poem?)?

It was deep and it was good. Maybe make your rhyme schemes consistent? You don't actually have to, because you're the writer and it's you're choice, but it's normally done that way. If I were you, I'd leave it erratic.

How to store a guitar when not being played for a long time?

my grandson was given an old guitar (about 25 yrs. old) he dosn't play & we want to know how to store it. it's in a case but we were told we should loosen the strings so the wood dosn't pull away at the seams. is this true? also how to store a set of drums & symbols.

My boyfriends wants me to try ?

Talking dirty with him. He does it a lot to me and i really like it but I can't do it back like I just don't know what to say. Any help? Maybe a way to loosen me up or something?

In cases of suicide or deaths that leave a body mangled, what is the "viewing" like?

I thought in those kinds of cases, a memorial would be held without a funeral or viewing service. What exactly can a person expect attending a "viewing" in this kind of case?

Too small bathing suit...?

Don't wear the bathing to the beach. Wait to exchange it when you get back. Just wear another bathing suit to the beach. It's better to wait and wear it when you have it in the right size, then to wear it right away and have it be to small. Besides, you'll get to wear the exact same bathing suit in the right size eventually!

Phone question, what could this mean??? thanks?

If it went straight to voicemail, that could mean her phone was off at the time. If it said "not in service" then either she may have changed her number, but i dont think she could've blocked u. U can try calling again from wherever u got voicemail.

Totally serious and really in need of advice...?

I fell in love with a guy a little over a year ago. We really hit it off. We got along well, we had each other's best interest at heart, and it's safe to say we were completely in love. He quickly became everything to me. Our relationship can be described as intense and fast paced. We knew each other so well, we just knew what the other was thinking, or their opinion. My parents weren't very happy with the relationship, as they thought it was too fast, and too intense. (My parents have a tendency to be really over protective.) They decided to send me to a boarding school where I wouldn't see him anymore. The first two months, I wasn't allowed to call him, on my parents orders. He would often facebook me that he missed me and was waiting for me. He said he would wait for me for as long as it took. Then my parents loosened up and let me call him. He was so happy to hear from me. For about two weeks it was good. We knew the common way with long distance relationships but we were determined to make it work. Well the common way ended up being the way. I was still in love with him when he started not saying "I love you" back to me before we hung up. He stopped calling me those cute names you make up when your in a relationship. I got worried so I wrote him an extensive facebook message, asking him why he was being different. His response was that this wasn't going to work out and it was downhill from there. Fast forward six months to today. I'm single and not over him in the least bit and he's got a new girlfriend. I don't know what I should be doing. I love him. I don't want to stop loving him. What do I do? Please help.

The police (uk) put my cuffs on real tight?

I work in police stations, being appropriate adult for idiots like you. If you dont want to be arrested, dont get pissed and lairy.Simple. Everyone is cuffed, especially drunk kids with attitude.

I feel cheated and violated for this 7yrs bgr, i am going to make a police report today?

i have a 7yrs bgr but it took for a worst turn when he call off the ROM last mth. we have a cool period of 1 mth but i initial to call him, text him cos i too miss him. he just replied we are on cool off period why you call me. i was very sad. i love him but he become a changed man after he proposed to me last year. he want more freedom, he feels that he is suffering with me for this 6+ yrs. need send me home, text me, chat with me, going out to same place for this 7yrs. i start to loosen him but now he cheated on me. he likes his colleague. i was told be another female colleague that he with this gal and few more guys colleagues have been frequent going out. i have the gal fb and scolded her for being the 3rd party. she told me hse left the office because of him. i dont like him. the guy i like which wk in the same company left. she too text my bf a clear signal they cant be together and ask me check his hp for that msg she sent. to my surprised, there was intimate sms.. and watsapp hourly chatting, he been brushing me aside he is busy at wk but was chatting with her. he even told me his love for me have decrease. he scare that he dont love me anymore. next min he told me this. tha gal have left the company~ can you forgive and forget. lets be together. i really feel damn cheated. 7yrs bgr he did this fling to end it. he was all along a faithful guy but now. he told me im the only gal he loves and i gave him my 1st time after 3mths we been together. we even have our flat ready soon. i feel violated and used. his beast need was weekly. even when we went out shopping he cant ctrl and did it in fitting room. till times goes by we went hotel. now recently is his home. he even did it when i have that. i really feel violated now. he said if i want go make a police report. you only bring shame to your family. i dont lose a thing. all gd times we had together is just to coax me cause to satisfied his desire for sex. i really feel humilated by him.

What do you think is wrong with me ?

Focus on being yourself, and if you do not know who you are yet then take time and do things that can help you discover that like new experiences, do not follow with what people would want you to say act or feel because at the end of the day it's you that matters. Just remember to be yourself, and do not get upset if someone does not reply to you, they may be busy or just may not want to reply but don't take things to personally.

What do you think of this WWE storyline?

Not bad. I think anything is better than what the WWE will do (which is CENA WINS OVERCOMES ODDS OHMYGOD).

I can't take my mum much more!?

I would not want to eat food someone has played with. There is definitely a mental issue going on with your sister and mother. There is a power struggle for whatever reason going on between your sister and mother. And since your mom can't win she tries to use her power over you to make you eat the food. Your mother needs to take your sister to the doctor about here eating issue, because it is not healthy and it is causing a problem in your family. And you need to find someone to talk to about this a family doctor, school counselor, or a friend you can trust. I hope you will be ok through all of this. Hang in there.

Funniest shyt ever!!!?

Ok beat this story. I visited my aunt in Jacksonville florida when I was 11 years old. My aunt was technically my great aunt also she was a little on the older side (age 65). Anyways, my aunt had this fascination with her hair always being in the beehive style. You know like from the 60's? I always joked with her about her hair looking like a birds nest, which is the turning point in my story.. She lived in one of those elderly one story community housing unit apartments and had a community mailbox. After breakfest she went to the bathroom to freshen up and put her "birdnest hairdo'' into style, then proceded to go and check the mail since she previously forgot the day before. I at this point was finishing my cereal and got up to wash the dishes when all of a sudden I heard shouting and screaming comming from outside. To my surprise I ran to the front door, peared outside and saw 2 bluejays swooping down attacking my aunts head! Trying not to laugh (for my aunt is elderly and had fallen during the attack) I ran outside and tried to shoo the birds away. All of a sudden one of them divebomed her head and had gotton so mangled into my aunts hair it started panicking and pecking her brains out (literally) I had to run back inside grab my uncles gardening gloves and scissors and literally cut around her hair to let the bird free. Good thing I grabbed the gloves too for the bird was biting me so hard it hurt even through the gloves. The next day when I came home from my friends house my aunts hair was cut above her shoulders and putback into a sleek ponytail. I guess she finally believed me when I told her that style was way to wild!

Partially discolored areola and surrounding area? Please answer!!?

Hello, I'm nearly 20 years old and about a month ago I noticed some discoloration of my left areola. It's spread slowly around the upper half of my areola over the past few weeks, the skin is a darker pink color around the usually normal colored skin on the outside of the areola, and the areola itself, touching the surrounding, abnormally darker, skin is now paling to the color of my usual breast color. It's only effecting the top of my areola and the best visual description I can give is it's like the top of my areola and the surrounding skin inverted colors, or like the color of my areola is bleeding out onto my skin and leaving the nipple skin tone. It is not painful or itchy, if anything it's a little less sensitive. There are no lumps or anything of that sort. Also, before you tell me to see a one, I cannot afford to see a doctor and cannot obtain free medical which is why I am here asking. Please if you have any information on possible causes of this let me know. My medical history includes: Fifteen surgeries. Twelve surgeries trying to repair a dead/blind right eye all over all eight years ago, one surgery removing said eye seven years ago, one surgery on broken growth plate in left arm fourteen years ago, removal of left ovary and fallopian tube [ectopic pregnancy, mangled tube and ovary] one and a half years ago. Also diagnosed with arthritis, but not RA, and diagnosed with anemia. I dunno if any of this is relevant, just would like to be thorough.

I need advice on a few things please help!!? Its important?

Okay so please dont jugde me or lecture me . Okay so I need help losing a few pounds and really clear up my skin everytime I try losing a few pounds I can't stick to it. And the reason for this is because I'm going back into acting and modeling. I kind if messed up my face how can I get rid of acne scars. Does anyone know were I can get that new esteluader? And one more thing when using milk and yogurt incur conditioner to loosen curls does it matter which type it is. So please help

Why don't people/police men or women have a sense of humor?

goodness, why is it that when I ask a question you all get so serous. Like seriously loosen up a bit. These are just fun questions.

Did Kareem Abdul-Jabbar do a slam-dunk against Israeli apartheid?

Where in the ynet article does it say he was canceling his visit because of 12 unarmed palestinians? It actually talks about his dads wishes to visit to boy that his father saved... Here you ago with your pointless articles again.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Im 25 and have rsv virus. ?

ive been off work for the 2nd week now. With coughing up green flem. I get max couple hours sleep at night. How do i get rid of this virus and what can i do to help it. I use a heatpack on my chest at times to loosen mucous and have been given a puffer for when its hard to breath. The mucous seems never ending and so does the virus.

What to do when everyone screws you over?

ok so I am a 16 boy who get screwed over everyday like with my family see I have problems with my family so a lot of times since my mom works until 9:30 pm and my dad would rather watch tv I can't talk to them about these problems until about 10 pm and every time I try they say it is too late to talk about it and my problem with my family is that for some reason and its gonna sound idiotic but my family is so arrogant and delusional to the point where they find no fault in themselves and thus blame everything on me like a few weeks ago i was in an argument with my mom about how she won't talk about our problems and then as she always does she goes to her room and tells me to go away so I start yelling because I am pissed that she is acting so immature and then my 21 year old brother charges up the stairs and starts attacking me for yelling at her well my mom just sits there on her bed yelling stop it but doesn't move an inch and eventually the police are called and my bro got arrested for domestic abuse but while they were there my mom made me seem like a worthless pile of sh** to the cops well later on my mom has said that it wouldn't have gotten to that point if I wouldn't have retaliated when I was defending my self from my brother who was on top of me kneeing my gut and strangling me and she says it was unnecessary retaliation. so my mom and dad ask me to not tell anyone outside of the house so at a band concert that week my aunt asks me why my face was so beat up and I said I tripped well that sunday my mom told that aunt and another aunt a mangled version of the story in which I caused all of it somehow like as if I planned it because later that day one of them came into my house and started screaming her head off like I did something terrible and despite me trying to explain to her she still believes my mom and now even more of my relatives know. another example is that my other brother who is 18 came in one day after a track meet and I was joking around with my mom because the previous night she had gotten so drunk that she didn't remember what happened on the way home the night before well my bro tells me to shut up because my voice is annoying well I tell him that he can ignore it because I wasn't talking to him and that starts an argument which turned into him kneeing my stomach when my dad was between us and me throwing him to the ground and my dad yelling at me because his shoulders have been previously injured in hockey thus they could get injured easier and then that was blamed on me. most recently is that I was talking to my grandpa and he mentioned my uncle freddie who died when I was 3 years old and asked what happened to my inheritance which was about $1400 and my mom said she spent it on extracurricular activities well when I was 3 years old I didn't do anything so she said that my 18 year old bro wouldn't care but then the next day she tells him about it thinking I would corner and tell him in order to get him ticked at her well she had said the previous day that he wouldn't care so what was the point of bringing it up and she said how I complained about how I am the scout in my boyscout troop to have to pay his own way like I blame them for not having the money when I was complaining about my scoutmaster making rules that only effect me because of that and it started a whole argument that I got blamed for yet again. then at boy scouts like I said I am the only scout who has to pay his own way through scouts because my parents can't well he made a rule that if a scout is $45 or more behind in their account then they cannot go on camp outs when I am the only scout who is because I am the only one who has parents who can't pay for me and on top of that my scoutmaster has said that it is an expectation in scouting that a scout should pay his own way well he doesn't expect it from anyone else but me or else he wouldn't accept checks from the scouts parents. then there is marching band where I applied for section leader and my teacher handed the section leader position of the tuba section to a baritone who is also my best friend so I don't wanna complain and throw my friend under the bus but then again I have done more for the marching band than almost any other member out our 80 people in the band and my teacher basically said that he wants me to prove that I can handle being section leader and that I am devoted to the band and then based on how I do he will determine whether or not I am capable of the job yet he has done this before where I do extra work to prove myself on his request and then by the time I have met his requirements it is too late to change my decision and I am stuck being part of something that I used to love but now hate and on top of that last year I had tried to talk to my teacher many times about people harassing and bullying me yet he did not want to speak until a band mom scolded him about him not doing any

After a fresh stretch should I wait to take them out and clean them?

I finally got my 7/8" tunnels in today (from 3/4"). they are very tight and sting a little but its been so long since my last stretch by over a year. should I keep the tunnels in for a few days until they loosen up or should I take them out sooner to clean and re-lube them?

Rotors siezed to hub, chevy cavalier?

I hammered for 4 hours to no avail. I have hammered it everywhere, in between the studs, the outside of the inner edge of the rotors, the outer edge of the rotors and from behind also. I have tried wd-40 and rust remover. I started with rubber mallet and then worked up to a 4lb sledge and I banged this son of a bit*h and still nothing has worked. I will not torch it. Also, there is no threaded holes for me to put bolts in to loosen it that way. Any help or tips would be great. I don't have a 3 way puller.

My mouse just had surgery?

Very sweet :). I hope all goes well which it sounds as if it will. Yes you can give her a small bit of well cooked chicken or any meat really also scrambled or mushed boiled eggs work very well and even high protein dog treats. All these are high protein and will build her energy up and help her gain weight (also if she likes sweets peanut-butter will defiantly fatten her up but don't give her much) but pleas remember to take all foods that call spoil such as meat and eggs out of her cage within 6 hours. Sense she is 8 weeks old she should be fine with any food. I suggest a warm towel (if you think she is cold) if shes not cold you may just make her more uncomfortable. I really hope all goes well :)

Did i just lose my virginity?

Yes you did cuz you did the deed. Don't matter how long you went. And take it as a compliment that she told you to

Why do so many Hispanic-Americans speak such poor Spanish?

You want someone that has been educated in formal...or Castillian Spanish. The majority that come to the USA only speak a combination of Spanish and; "Spanglish". Hire the ones that speak formal Spanish and can prove it.

Should my family apologize to my cousin for cutting her off and thinking she was schizophrenic?

Yes they should apoligize! It wasn't her fault that she was bi-polar and was schizophrenic instead of shunning her away they should have been there for her and helped her out. You should talk to your family about apoligizing cause its not fair for your cousin.

When I post an ad on craigslist for a service should I include a link to my website?

I am curious if it makes a difference. I am attempting to become a personal chef. this is the website. I am curious of how effective.

Do you like the plot of the book that I am writing?

At first it sounded a lot like Jurassic Park, but it's good that you took it in a different direction. Go for it.

I have a question on this dream of a snake i saw today early morning and if someone can interprete what i saw.?

hi, today morning, i saw a snake in my dream. at first it was little and it was in a bucket of water in the bathroom . as i went to wash my feet, i didn't notice it at first but when i took out the water with a mug, i saw it coming out. i felt threatened, but strangley the snake was not aggressive, and it was trying to find a way out to get away from me. i felt scared that it would hurt my family in the house, so even though it didn't attack me, i started to beat it with the mug. i held its neck down to the floor with the mug i had, and felt its neck being mangled. it was writhing and trying to get away but not dying. then i saw it grow into a bigger, longer light brown cobra, but still not aggressive. i kept holding its neck down to the ground with the mug trying to kill it. then it managed to break free, and suddenly vanished from my sight. i felt scared and threatened as i thought that it would come back to take revenge on me and my family, as i had wounded it unnecessarily even though it didnt attack me or wasn't aggressive, and strangely i felt a bit of guilt and scared in my dream. why did i feel that way? what does this mean?

Why does my bra leave an imprint?

go to victoria's secret and get fitted for a bra. i bet you're wearing the wrong size or wrong style for your body type. common mistake.

Am i a sadistic person?

That's pretty much not caring for others, or yes, you are a sick minded sadistic person, though you do not like inflicting harm, you enjoy seeing harm BE inflicted.

What is the you break you buy law for michigan?

I was at a consignment shop (used clothing) and while trying on a dress the zipper broke, and NO the dress wasn't too small for me. I informed the manager and she told me that I must pay for it and I refused. There are no "you damage you buy" signs and who's to say that the previous owner or someone that tried the dress on before me didn't loosen the threads near the zipper (the actual zipper didn't break, the threads around it got caught in the zipper) My way of looking at it is this: if you test drive a used car and a belt breaks while your driving, do you have to repair the car or purchase the car? Obviously, the answer is no. I would like to read the law myself, so if someone could answer with a link, that would be great! By the way, Im not saying that I have no responsibility what so ever, I would be willing to pay for the cost to get the zipper replaced or pay the previous owner what her share would have been from the store if they sold it, I just don't think the store should profit the extra $50. Thanks!

What is that movie with the scarecrow?

Okay so there is a movie that has a mother and her son(i think) and they have a scarecrow in the field and at night it comes alive and protects them by killing people messing with them. But in the end the viewers find out that the scarecrow is actually the dad but he has a mangled face so he hangs by day. Also I think it is an older movie. Thanks!

Can you remove lace lock on Reebok Skates?

I was looking at some Reebok 7ks and i like them a lot. But the lace lock looks like it could be annoying loosening and tightening the skates. It looks like you can remove it but I'm not sure. And I'm afraid if I do it might ruin the skate or something.

How to build a stronger relationship with my crush?

So me and this boy have been talking for less that a month. school is out for the summer and i really want to build a stronger relationship with him so i can make him my boyfriend! I really shy at first but i jus cant find a way to loosen up to him. i really wanna have a relationship with him. I know the main problem is communications. i dont talk as much and i have a hard time coming up with things to talk about. What should i talk about? What things should i do to make him fall for me. Btw he already likes me, i jus dont want him to loose intrest. please HELP! this is like the boy you set your eyes on and you automatically KNOW that you guys HAVE to be together! its only right!

Two Circuits Running Off of Same Battery Array?

place a 47 ohms in series with each between supply and load. Connect a 10uF across load. In this way you might be able to reduce their interactions. This is basic decoupling. Or you can feed one through a schottkey diode, and place a 10uF across it(between 12-0.6V supply and 12V negative.These capacitors should be very near the load, that is the circuit that takes the current.

My boyfriend doesn't know what to say when he's tired?

he's just plainly tired i guess yet he still tries to talk to you to catch up. have u read the book men are from mars and women are from venus? it'll help u understand men. PROMISE. :))))

Can someone help me figure out wtf happened?

So when I began middle school there was a cute boy named Noah that rode my bus every day. He was in a grade above me and over time we became great friends. When I hit 7th grade (he was in 8th) and we really liked each other. He sat on the bus with me, waited by my locker after school, said hi and talked to me whenever he could... then Noah finally asked if I would be his girlfriend. I said no though, that I only wanted to be friends (cause my dad's protective and won't let me date) . Even after that we still talked and stuff... then everything just stopped. Noah ignored me completely for months. I attempted to get him to tell me WHY? Why was he ignoring me? Over Facebook one day he told me he was sorry to have done me that way, I said it was okay, but it really left me scarred, Especially when I had my drunk mother to deal with (he knew this) . Noah's wierd actions cause me to spiral deeper into depression, until finally, after trying to form some sort of conversation and failing, I agreed to silence. After a few months, my mom and I were reunited and everything was okay. Except for 'him'. To clean up some unwanted dust, I attended his graduation from the middle school and congragulated him. As soon as he saw me he frowned, though he just responded "Hm, thanks." in a dull, uncaring voice. WTF HAPPENED? After two years of being best friends, Noah left me in the dust at the hardest time in my life.

Mac OS Parental Controls?

Agree with Adam, if you wanna know more about kids' Internet usage like online chats, screenshots, or sites visited, you can try some third party mac parental control tool like acespymac.

Where do republicans acquire their bullying behavior?

In stead of speaking rationally, republicans react emotionally to threats and territory. Like the conservative judge in Wisconsin, he choked a woman in and attempt to bully her (i don't believe he was trying to kill her) . There are many more cases and Limbaugh and Fox live off this.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

My nose ring won't go in anymore. It hurts & seems there is no whole on the inside. what do i do?

After having the piercing for five months I thought it would be fine to replace the nose ring. Since then I've changed it a couple times. Each time its difficult and it hurts. Yesterday I made an attempt to replace the ring again because the one I had wasn't every comfortable and I have been unable to get the ring through the whole. It seems that the whole had closed on the inside because I can't get the ring through to the other side of my nose. What should I do?

Am I civilly liable for trying to get someone fired?

I am currently facing criminal harassment charges for contacting a person's job and sharing information (all true) about their alcohol abuse and psychiatric issues in an attempt to get them fired. They were put on probation--not fired--and then terminated months later when the employer laid off 10% of it's workers. My lawyer has said I'm lucky to not be facing a civil suit for the lost job as well. If this were to be pursued, on what legal grounds could I be liable? What kind of damages could I face? Also this would be in Maryland court if it matters.

Should my family apologize to my cousin for cutting her off and thinking she was schizophrenic?

Just do what you feel is right and so far you have. Giving your cousin support throughout everything she went through is something she will never forget. :)

What do you think of my story?

I love it. Mostly because I'll read almost anything with vampires and I love that you used my name for it. I know it wasn't intended for me, but I still think it's awesome. But you might need more detail if that's it for the chapter. But other that that, Love It!!!!!

How to repair loose pedal on shwinn exercise bike?

I work at a gym and the place where the pedal connects directly to the bike is loose. It looks like there is a bolt going through it from ther outside of the pedal into the bike. I am not sure how to loosen/tighten it or repair it. Any suggestions? Here is a website with a diagram of parts. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Normal human curiosity or something more?

So my best friend's dog got hit by a car a few weeks ago. It was a tragic thing to hear, as I loved the dog myself, and helped bury him. Right when I heard the news, so many things reeled within my mind. Was he mangled? Did he suffer? Would he smell before we could bury him? I was really worried about him. Now weeks have went by and of course I'm not going to dig up a dog, I'm not insane, but I find myself curious of what the dog would look like now. This isn't the first time I've wondered this but the subject isn't something that I think of everyday. That is to say I'm not obsessed by any means nor am I plagued by my curiosity, it just seems like something normal young women wouldn't think twice about. I think things like this when I hear of animals dying, people being buried, even when my grandmother passed on. I wonder how organs look only hours after blood has coagulated around them, and I disturb myself wondering these things. Every time I start to think and wonder these morbid thoughts, I have an eerie feeling. Almost like the feeling you get after watching a movie. It's sheer intrigue; is that wrong? I'm not sick and I don't act on these curiosities. I'm just wondering if I'm the only person who wonders these things. I'm wondering if this is normal, healthy human curiosity or something more. Am I crazy? I've always been in love with medical science and how bodies work, but is this too far? Or is this something normal? Does anyone else wonder these things?

Why won't my software load?

i have a fujifilm s1000fd camera. i installed long ago the software to transfer the pictures to the computer. the computer is supposed to automatically recognize the camera when i plug in the usb cable. it used to work fine but now it won't. no matter what i do. so i uninstalled the finepix viewer but when i put the software to reinstall it in the disc drive nothing happens. i have been around and around with this f****ing thing. i've attempted to contact windows, fujifilm, with no luck. in my message center i have a thing that says pcouffin device driver not installed. i've troubleshooted it with windows and they can't find a driver. no one seems to know what a pcouffin device is no one on ask yahoo, no one in the entire universe acts like they even know what i'm talking about. i've tried other software in the disc drive and nothing happens. WTF!!!!!!!!!!

Can someone hack my computer and view my files without a virus or malware?

yeah we want to know what your hiding in that computer and we wont stop till we find out who you really are cuz im tired of u hiding all this junk from me

How can I make friends? ?

I don't know what happened to me but somewhere along the way I lost my confidence and am no longer able to make friends. Idk if it has become my person that pushes people away or that I just get nervous now from low self esteem that I find it hard to talk to people. I kind of lost communication with my old friends because life got in the way. And now I try to talk to people like before. But I find it really hard to approach someone. And I feel like people just don't like me. Could it really be that every person I have encountered so far doesn't like me or am I just over stressing? How can I leave a good first impression on people? Or can I have some tips on how to loosen up a little? How can I make people like me?????

He doesn't seem to get me at all? Not listening and thinks he knows me when he doesn't?

Honey, you need to break up with him! He sounds like he just wants a girlfriend and doesn't really care about your feelings. If he did he wouldn't be pulling the crap he is. You deserve better!

I want to make a curry dish?

I used to buy a curry paste to make dishes but I can not get it now, because I am living in a small town. I have a powdered red curry powder and tumeric, can I make curry from this or how would I attempt to..the easiest way?

Can you help me design a Tattoo?

I am attempting to design a tatoo for myself and I need some help coming up with something legit. I am getting it on my back left shoulder as a reminder of the 3 lives (potentially more) that I have saved over the years as a lifeguard. I was hoping to do something involving the fact that they were saves I preformed as a lifeguard and the roman numeral for 3 (or whatever the final count may be). But again, I'm having trouble coming up with cool designs. If you have ideas or could possibly draw and post something that would be great. Thank you all!

Can u read this and be honest?

Personally, I don't like it. It's too matter-of-fact for me. "The pain was unbearable. Then they picked up her up." Stories are supposed to flow, and yours doesn't. Keep writing, I'm sure you'll get it eventually. You start way too many sentences with "Then..."

Can anyone teach me how to juggle?

I want to know how to juggle my pets, but they keep squirming. I already know how to juggle tennis balls, and now that's boooooring. I keep trying to juggle my goldfish, but they don't stop jigglin about. I have already smashed two of them on the floor, another one of them had it's fin mangled, and a third had his eye poked out by the fall. I am down to my last five goldfish, my fish tank is looking empty, and if I can't learn to juggle them, their lives will have been in vain. please help :)