Monday, July 11, 2011

What to do when everyone screws you over?

ok so I am a 16 boy who get screwed over everyday like with my family see I have problems with my family so a lot of times since my mom works until 9:30 pm and my dad would rather watch tv I can't talk to them about these problems until about 10 pm and every time I try they say it is too late to talk about it and my problem with my family is that for some reason and its gonna sound idiotic but my family is so arrogant and delusional to the point where they find no fault in themselves and thus blame everything on me like a few weeks ago i was in an argument with my mom about how she won't talk about our problems and then as she always does she goes to her room and tells me to go away so I start yelling because I am pissed that she is acting so immature and then my 21 year old brother charges up the stairs and starts attacking me for yelling at her well my mom just sits there on her bed yelling stop it but doesn't move an inch and eventually the police are called and my bro got arrested for domestic abuse but while they were there my mom made me seem like a worthless pile of sh** to the cops well later on my mom has said that it wouldn't have gotten to that point if I wouldn't have retaliated when I was defending my self from my brother who was on top of me kneeing my gut and strangling me and she says it was unnecessary retaliation. so my mom and dad ask me to not tell anyone outside of the house so at a band concert that week my aunt asks me why my face was so beat up and I said I tripped well that sunday my mom told that aunt and another aunt a mangled version of the story in which I caused all of it somehow like as if I planned it because later that day one of them came into my house and started screaming her head off like I did something terrible and despite me trying to explain to her she still believes my mom and now even more of my relatives know. another example is that my other brother who is 18 came in one day after a track meet and I was joking around with my mom because the previous night she had gotten so drunk that she didn't remember what happened on the way home the night before well my bro tells me to shut up because my voice is annoying well I tell him that he can ignore it because I wasn't talking to him and that starts an argument which turned into him kneeing my stomach when my dad was between us and me throwing him to the ground and my dad yelling at me because his shoulders have been previously injured in hockey thus they could get injured easier and then that was blamed on me. most recently is that I was talking to my grandpa and he mentioned my uncle freddie who died when I was 3 years old and asked what happened to my inheritance which was about $1400 and my mom said she spent it on extracurricular activities well when I was 3 years old I didn't do anything so she said that my 18 year old bro wouldn't care but then the next day she tells him about it thinking I would corner and tell him in order to get him ticked at her well she had said the previous day that he wouldn't care so what was the point of bringing it up and she said how I complained about how I am the scout in my boyscout troop to have to pay his own way like I blame them for not having the money when I was complaining about my scoutmaster making rules that only effect me because of that and it started a whole argument that I got blamed for yet again. then at boy scouts like I said I am the only scout who has to pay his own way through scouts because my parents can't well he made a rule that if a scout is $45 or more behind in their account then they cannot go on camp outs when I am the only scout who is because I am the only one who has parents who can't pay for me and on top of that my scoutmaster has said that it is an expectation in scouting that a scout should pay his own way well he doesn't expect it from anyone else but me or else he wouldn't accept checks from the scouts parents. then there is marching band where I applied for section leader and my teacher handed the section leader position of the tuba section to a baritone who is also my best friend so I don't wanna complain and throw my friend under the bus but then again I have done more for the marching band than almost any other member out our 80 people in the band and my teacher basically said that he wants me to prove that I can handle being section leader and that I am devoted to the band and then based on how I do he will determine whether or not I am capable of the job yet he has done this before where I do extra work to prove myself on his request and then by the time I have met his requirements it is too late to change my decision and I am stuck being part of something that I used to love but now hate and on top of that last year I had tried to talk to my teacher many times about people harassing and bullying me yet he did not want to speak until a band mom scolded him about him not doing any

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