Sunday, July 10, 2011

Normal human curiosity or something more?

So my best friend's dog got hit by a car a few weeks ago. It was a tragic thing to hear, as I loved the dog myself, and helped bury him. Right when I heard the news, so many things reeled within my mind. Was he mangled? Did he suffer? Would he smell before we could bury him? I was really worried about him. Now weeks have went by and of course I'm not going to dig up a dog, I'm not insane, but I find myself curious of what the dog would look like now. This isn't the first time I've wondered this but the subject isn't something that I think of everyday. That is to say I'm not obsessed by any means nor am I plagued by my curiosity, it just seems like something normal young women wouldn't think twice about. I think things like this when I hear of animals dying, people being buried, even when my grandmother passed on. I wonder how organs look only hours after blood has coagulated around them, and I disturb myself wondering these things. Every time I start to think and wonder these morbid thoughts, I have an eerie feeling. Almost like the feeling you get after watching a movie. It's sheer intrigue; is that wrong? I'm not sick and I don't act on these curiosities. I'm just wondering if I'm the only person who wonders these things. I'm wondering if this is normal, healthy human curiosity or something more. Am I crazy? I've always been in love with medical science and how bodies work, but is this too far? Or is this something normal? Does anyone else wonder these things?

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