Sunday, July 17, 2011

Question about chiropractic care..?

Okay, so my question is.. maybe I should wait to see an orthopedist before this. But, I've had a horrible past experience with a chiropractor which really further damaged my back. He tried fixing my uneven hips only to make them worse than they were before.. But he also didn't really do any physical examinations, x-rays, or anything of that sort. I'd come in, pay $35 co-pay, he'd see me for all of 5 minutes.. crack my back and my neck and send me off for a follow up the following week. Now my spine is twisted slightly due to my uneven hips and it causes me quite a deal of pain/muscular imbalances are noticeable to me. Would it be wise to seek out possibly a chiropractor who will go through all the necessary precautions, x-rays. weekly consultations, etc.. Or should I just back off the idea and just leave my back mangled the way it is? Not sure if anyone has had a horrible experience with one chiro to have a good one with another. I suppose I'm a bit desperate. I'm in pain, I'm depressed, and wish I had a time machine so that I really never saw the first one to begin with. Need some advice.. Thanks.

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