Saturday, July 9, 2011

Does this creepy dream mean anything?

In it, I was with my mother, my brother, my father, and my pregnant aunt. We were on a trip to New York City and where eating in some sort of fast food restaurant (weird because I hate fast food). Anyway, we heard on a TV mounted on the wall that an earthquake destroyed almost all of New York City. We wnt out of the diner and found that only the diner and a few other buildings were intact. The rest of New York was decimated. We strolled through the mangled, broken streets and came to what looked like some sort of stadium. The stadium-theater thing was still intact. Somehow, I went in without my family (I don't know what happens to them at this point). There were three hallways, one said "Men," the other "Women," the last "Children." I went into children and screamed. It was a place to try to identify the unidentified corpses. The dead bodies were rotting and hideous and swollena nd bloody and I ran out of there. I went back inside with my mother, father, and brother, and we looked around. It was so gross! Then I went outside to wait with my aunt. We told two little boys out there a story and then went to buy new shoes (I know, the end made no sense to me either. I think it might have been a different dream that got morphed into the first)

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